Giovanni, Italy
This immersion in another country it’s been a very formative and wonderful experience; I’ll bring all my foreign friends forever in my heart. I really liked the dancing class, I felt like a real greek! Also pasta with mushrooms in the oak woods at Meteoras was incredibly good!
Giulia Bu
It was a wonderful week, with a lot of experiences and opportunities; I will always keep in my heart the amazing people I’ve met. I loved the food, the typical dances, but most of all going out with the Erasmus guys! In a week, I experienced a piece of life at the same time far and near to mine. And it was awesome!
Immergersi nella vita di un altro paese è stata un esperienza meravigliosa e molto formativa; porterò tutti i miei amici stranieri per sempre nel mio cuore. Mi è piaciuta molto la lezione di danza, mi sono sentito come un vero greco! Anche la pasta con i funghi nei boschi di querce a Meteoras era incredibilmente buona!
Giulia Bu, Italy
It was a wonderful week, with a lot of experiences and opportunities; I will always keep in my heart the amazing people I’ve met. I loved the food, the typical dances, but most of all going out with the Erasmus guys! In a week, I experienced a piece of life at the same time far and near to mine. And it was awesome!
È stata una settimana meravigliosa, ricca di esperienze e opportunità; terrò sempre nel mio cuore le persone incredibili che ho incontrato. Ho amato il cibo, le danze tipiche, ma soprattutto uscire con i ragazzi del progetto Erasmus! In una settimana, ho vissuto un pezzo di vita allo stesso tempo lontano e vicino alla mia. Ed è stato fantastico!
Giorgia, Italy
The Erasmus + project experience in Greece was one of the most beautiful periods of my life. Being able to live a week in a different place from ours, different traditions, unknown people; realities completely different from ours but at the same time so similar to us. Erasmus + mobilities are a great way to meet new people and understand how the big part of teenagers in the world are similar to each other. Also, it is an excellent way to improve your English through daily conversation, not just using school books. I personally had a lot of fun going out in the city with these wonderful people, with whom I made friends, and visiting tourist and suggestive places, such as the archaeological site of the Meteoras where we spent a beautiful day surrounded by nature. Its wonderful how bonds can be created in a short time. Knowing the food and traditions of a place is always beautiful, we really enjoyed this beautiful atmosphere.
Lesperienza del progetto Erasmus + in Grecia è stata uno dei periodi più belli della mia vita. Avere la possibilità di vivere una settimana in un luogo diverso dal nostro, con tradizioni diverse, persone sconosciute; realtà completamente diverse dalla nostra ma allo stesso tempo così simili a noi. Le mobilità Erasmus + sono un ottimo modo per incontrare nuove persone e capire quanto la maggior parte degli adolescenti nel mondo sia simile tra di loro. Inoltre, è un ottimo modo per migliorare il proprio inglese attraverso conversazioni quotidiane, non solo utilizzando i libri di scuola. Personalmente mi sono divertita molto andando in giro in città con queste persone meravigliose, con cui sono diventata amica, e visitando luoghi turistici e suggestivi, come il sito delle Meteore dove abbiamo trascorso una bellissima giornata immersi nella natura. È meraviglioso come possano crearsi legami in poco tempo. Conoscere il cibo e le tradizioni di un luogo èsempre bello, abbiamo davvero apprezzato questa bellissima atmosfera.
Giulia B., Italy
During an unforgettable week, I had the fortune to participate in an Erasmus program in the beautiful city of Volos, Greece. From the moment I arrived, I was warmly welcomed by the Greek host family, who made me feel like part of their own family. The family consisted of loving parents and two children, who welcomed me with great enthusiasm. They showed me their culture, traditions, and Greek cuisine, making me truly immersed in the countrys daily life. I had the opportunity to taste traditional dishes such as moussaka, tzatziki, and homemade Greek desserts. I also met students from other countries. We shared our experiences and cultures, creating a multicultural and stimulating environment. During school lessons, we worked together on projects and activities, putting into practice our different perspectives and skills. It was fascinating to discover how our diverse backgrounds influenced our way of thinking and approaching academic challenges!
Durante una settimana indimenticabile, ho avuto la fortuna di partecipare a un programma Erasmus + nella splendida città di Volos, in Grecia. Dal momento in cui sono arrivata, sono stata calorosamente accolta dalla famiglia ospitante greca, che mi ha fatto sentire parte di loro. La famiglia era composta da genitori affettuosi e due bambini, che mi hanno accolto con grande entusiasmo. Mi hanno mostrato la loro cultura, le tradizioni e la cucina greca, facendomi veramente immergere nella vita quotidiana del paese. Ho avuto l’opportunità di assaporare piatti tradizionali come la moussaka, lo tzatziki e dolci greci fatti in casa. Ho anche incontrato studenti provenienti da altri paesi. Abbiamo condiviso le nostre esperienze e le nostre culture, creando un ambiente multiculturale e stimolante. Durante le attività del progetto Erasmus +, abbiamo lavorato insieme, mettendo in pratica le nostre diverse prospettive e competenze. È stato affascinante scoprire come le nostre diverse origini influenzassero il nostro modo di pensare e affrontare le sfide accademiche!
Daria (teacher), Italy
I will always treasure this week of Erasmus + mobility in my heart! Even though the city had been struck by two devastating floods a few days before the mobility, the teachers of 5 th Lyceum of Volos, the students and their families were ready to welcome us most warmingly in their beautiful town. Everything had been perfectly organised and the activities were carried out effectively. But most of all, the cheerfulness and the warmth of my colleagues from Volos and of our other partners from Lithuania, Romania and Turkey , is something I will never forget!
Porterò sempre nel mio cuore questa settimana di mobilità Erasmus +! Anche se la città era stata colpita da due inondazioni devastanti pochi giorni prima della mobilità, gli insegnanti del 5° Liceo di Volos, gli studenti e le loro famiglie sono stati pronti ad accoglierci calorosamente nella loro bellissima città. Tutto è stato perfettamente organizzato e le attività si sono svolte in maniera coinvolgente ed efficace. Ma soprattutto, l’allegria e il calore dei miei colleghi di Volos e degli altri partner dalla Lituania, Romania e Turchia, sono qualcosa che non dimenticherò mai!
Gabija Norkutė, 3d, Lithuania
Monday started with getting acquainted with the school environment, students, and teachers from other countries. We also learned more about the education system in Greece, which differs significantly from our own.
On Tuesday we observed a physics class and presented our work that we had done at our school. After learning how soap is made from oil, we took a guided tour of the entire city.
Wednesday’s activities took place in a different town, where we learned how people use dogs to search for truffles. We also visited a mushroom museum. Before returning to our town, we took a trip to the mountains, enjoying breathtaking views.
On Thursday, we attended a lecture on transportation and visited a rowing club where we saw various training equipment designed specifically for rowing.
On Friday, we all received our certificates.
The first meeting with my host family was awkward since I saw them for the first time, but when it came time to say goodbye, I shed quite a few tears. Every day during our free time, we went to the old town, where we usually sat in a restaurant or café and all chatted. The entire week was very enjoyable; all the students participating in this project were very friendly and pleasant. It felt like I had known them for much longer than just a week. I am very grateful to my school for giving me the opportunity to participate in this project, meet and befriend such wonderful people, and experience their country and culture.
The first meeting with my host family was awkward since I saw them for the first time, but when it came time to say goodbye, I shed quite a few tears. Every day during our free time, we went to the old town, where we usually sat in a restaurant or café and all chatted. The entire week was very enjoyable; all the students participating in this project were very friendly and pleasant. It felt like I had known them for much longer than just a week. I am very grateful to my school for giving me the opportunity to participate in this project, meet and befriend such wonderful people, and experience their country and culture.
Viešnagės dienos.
Pirmadienis prasidėjo nuo susipažinimo su mokyklos aplinka, su kitų šalių mokiniais ir mokytojais. Taip pat sužinojome ir daugiau apie Graikijos švietimo sistemą, kuri labai skiriasi nuo mūsų švietimo sistemos.
Antradienį mes stebėjome, kaip vyksta fizikos pamoka. Taip pat pristatėme ir mūsų darbą, kurį atlikome mūsų mokykloje. Po to, kai sužinojome, kaip iš aliejaus gamina muilą, turėjome pasivaikščiojimą po visą miestą, kurį vedė gidas.
Trečiadienio veiklos buvo visiškai kitame mieste. Mes sužinojome kaip su šuns pagalba žmonės ieško trumų. Taip pat aplankėme ir grybų muziejų. Prieš iškeliaujant atgal į mūsų miestą, mes važiavome į kalnus, nuo kurių atsivėrė įspūdingas grožis.
Ketvirtadienį mes klausėmės paskaitos apie transportą ir vykome į irklavimo klubą, kuriame pamatėme daug skirtingų treniruoklių, pritaikytų specialiai tam, jog žmonės galėtų treniruotis irklavimui.
Pats pirmas susitikimas su savo šeima buvo nejaukus, kadangi mačiau juos pirmą kartą, tačiau kai teko atsisveikinti-nubraukiau nemažai ašarų. Kiekvieną dieną per mums skirtą laisvą laiką mes eidavome į senamiestį, kur dažniausiai atsisėsdavome restorane ar kavinėje ir visi bendraudavome. Visa savaitė buvo labai smagi, visi mokiniai, kurie dalyvavo šiame projekte, buvo labai draugiški ir malonūs- toks jausmas, jog juos pažinojau daug ilgiau, negu savaitę. Esu labai dėkinga savo mokyklai, jog turėjau galimybę dalyvauti šiame projekte ir susipažinti ir susidraugauti su tokiais nuostabiais žmonėmis, bei pamatyti šalį , bei pajausti jų kultūrą.
Penktadienį visi gavome savo sertifikatus.
Pats pirmas susitikimas su savo šeima buvo nejaukus, kadangi mačiau juos pirmą kartą, tačiau kai teko atsisveikinti-nubraukiau nemažai ašarų. Kiekvieną dieną per mums skirtą laisvą laiką mes eidavome į senamiestį, kur dažniausiai atsisėsdavome restorane ar kavinėje ir visi bendraudavome. Visa savaitė buvo labai smagi, visi mokiniai, kurie dalyvavo šiame projekte, buvo labai draugiški ir malonūs- toks jausmas, jog juos pažinojau daug ilgiau, negu savaitę. Esu labai dėkinga savo mokyklai, jog turėjau galimybę dalyvauti šiame projekte ir susipažinti ir susidraugauti su tokiais nuostabiais žmonėmis, bei pamatyti šalį , bei pajausti jų kultūrą.
Aiste Bartkevičiūtė 3c, Lithuania
Erasmus+ project brought each of us a new friend, creating a friendship that will last for years. We still communicate with each other, sharing our “inside jokes,” and we experienced the most beautiful week of our lives together. It was fun to learn a new language, try traditional drinks and food, get to know the local perspective from people living here, see the nightlife, and every evening meet in cafes to discuss the day and plan our activities for the next day. Like every Erasmus project, this one also brought countless tears when saying goodbye, but we all decided to meet again someday.
Visas Erasmus+ projektas atnešė kiekvienam po nauja draugą , kartu sukūrė draugystę kuri tęsis ne vienus metus. Visi dar po dabar bendraujame, turime savo “inside jokes”, kartu patyrėm pačia gražiausia savaite mūsų gyvenime. Smagu buvo šiek tiek pramokti nauja kalbą, išbandyti tradicinius gėrimus, maistą, susipažinti su vietove iš čia gyvenančiu žmonių perspektyvos, pamatyti naktinį gyvenimą ir kiekvieną vakarą visiem kartu susitiksi kavinėse aptarti diena ir ką planuojame veikti sekančia. Kaip ir kiekvienas Erasmus projektas, šis taip pat atnešė begales ašarų atsisveikinant, tačiau visi esam nusprendė kažkada dar susitikti.
Renia and Eliza, A4 class, Greece
This year the city of Volos faced a flooding period twice, in the same month, in September. It was a period that people in Volos will always remember. The rain was so heavy that the two rivers were overflooded and ruined the city.
The conditions were very difficult. Many houses were flooded and destroyed, people didn’t have water, electricity nor internet for several days and the worst thing was that unfortunately some people lost their lives and many animals died. There were no schools for two weeks.The water wasn’t drinkable. Also there were no clean roads and communication was difficult. It was a complete disaster. Some people said that nature took revenge.
There are some things that we can do. Firstly we can make a poster about all the damages. Secondly we have to clean the rivers and the streets. We have to fix the damaged roads and restore communication. Last but not least each of us has to support people that need help by giving them food, supplies, clothes or even some kind of accommodation if it is possible. Also we could hold a bazaar for those whose houses are damaged from the floods.
However, the most important thing is that we must learn to respect nature!
Georgia, A2 class, Greece
My participation in Erasmus was one of the best experiences, we had a great time and we met other cultures. During this week, the guests learned Greek traditions and we learned things about their culture. Of all the activities we participated in, my favorite was our trip to Meteora and the nights we all went out together. I felt very happy when they came and very emotional when they left.
Thomas, A2 class, Greece
The experience of the Erasmus project that took place in October was amazing. I made new friends from all around Europe and I learned things about their country. I am also looking forward to visiting Romania next year and meeting again with my friend Marius. The project was a completely new experience for me and I will remember it for the rest of my life.
Kostas, A1 class, Greece
I took place in the Erasmus project “You’R Nature You’R Future” that took place between the 8th and 13th of October. Although the overall experience was fairly enjoyable and fun, there was sometimes a little lack of communication between Greek students and foreign students. On the contrary, most of the activities organised by the teachers were fun and exciting, especially the ones involving food… At the end of the day it was a lovely experience and I definitely encourage anyone thinking of joining.
ŞEVVAL, Turkey
It went better than I expected because everyone was so kind. The time I spent there was both beautiful and special. I’m so lucky to be there. I want to achieve this by creating great awareness with our project. They took us to really beautiful places and there were very informative events everywhere we went. For example, we went to the mushroom museum there and learned very good information about both mushrooms and animals. The view in the monasteries was just as beautiful and the structures built on those views really amazed me. I really had a lot of fun there and made great friends. I hope we don’t lose touch and forget each other and the times we spent. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the project and their interest in us.
Beklediğimden daha iyi geçti çünkü herkes çok nazikti. Orada geçirdiğim zamanlar hem güzel hem de özeldi. Orada olduğum için çok şanslıyım. Projemizle büyük bir farkındalık yaratarak bunu başarmak istiyorum. Bizi gerçekten çok güzel yerlere götürdüler ve gittiğimiz her yerde çok bilgilendirici etkinlikler vardı. Mesela oradaki mantar müzesine gittik ve hem mantarlar hem de hayvanlar hakkında çok güzel bilgiler öğrendik. Manastırların manzarası da bir o kadar güzeldi ve o manzaraların üzerine inşa edilen yapılar beni gerçekten hayran bıraktı. Orada gerçekten çok eğlendim ve harika arkadaşlar edindim. Umarım iletişimimizi kaybetmeyiz, birbirimizi ve geçirdiğimiz zamanları unutmayız. Projede emeği geçen herkese ve bize gösterdikleri ilgiye teşekkür ediyorum.
FATIH’S, Turkey
Our trip to Greece was very nice, we had a lot of fun, it was a great experience to go to a different country, I recommend it to everyone. First we went to Istanbul, we went from Istanbul to Thessaloniki, we visited Ataturk’s house, it was really nice, we toured around a little bit, there was a service in the church, we attended the service, we went to the bus terminal after waiting for about 4 hours. Then Volosa was born, we set off, the journey lasted 4 hours. When we arrived, it was evening. Our friends welcomed us. After placing our belongings, we went to a restaurant. We met, then we wandered around, it was very crowded, because that day was a special day in Greece. We went to our friends’ schools, their schools were small, we made soap, we went to the city of Metoria, it was really beautiful, the monasteries were really beautiful. They were very beautiful historical monuments, our friends were very good people, their families were very good, they took good care of me, I was not unfamiliar with the food, most of the dishes were similar, I established good friendships, we did traditional Greek dances there, it was a lot of fun, I was a little sad when I left, my family was very good, I will miss them very much.
Yunanistan gezimiz çok güzeldi, çok eğlendik, farklı bir ülkeye gitmek harika bir deneyimdi, herkese tavsiye ederim. Önce İstanbul’a gittik, İstanbul’dan Selanik’e gittik, Atatürk’ün evini gezdik, çok güzeldi, biraz gezdik, kilisede ayin vardı, ayin vardı, ayin sonrası otogara gittik. yaklaşık 4 saattir bekliyoruz. Sonra Volos’a doğru, yola çıktık, yolculuk 4 saat sürdü. Biz geldiğimizde akşam olmuştu. Arkadaşlarımız bizi karşıladılar. Eşyalarımızı yerleştirdikten sonra bir restorana gittik. Buluştuk, sonra dolaştık, çok kalabalıktı çünkü o gün Yunanistan’da özel bir gündü. Arkadaşlarımızın okullarına gittik, okulları küçüktü, sabun yaptık, Meteora şehrine gittik, gerçekten çok güzeldi, manastırlar çok güzeldi. Çok güzel tarihi eserlerdi, arkadaşlarımız çok iyi insanlardı, aileleri çok iyiydi, bana çok iyi baktılar, yemeklere yabancı değildim, yemeklerin çoğu birbirine benziyordu, güzel dostluklar kurdum, geleneksel yemekler yaptık. Orada Yunan dansları vardı, çok eğlenceliydi, ayrılırken biraz üzüldüm, oradaki ailem çok iyiydi, onları çok özleyeceğim.
BERIL, Turkey
I experienced what it was like to live in a different country, but I also saw food and family life. I had the opportunity to compare the similarities and differences between our countries. I made good friendships, saw the historical and touristic places of Greece, and we also visited the house of Ataturk, the father of the Turks. That’s why I felt honored and proud. We also went to churches in different places, which was a different experience for me. Because I had an idea about their religious life. I saw the beautiful weather and the magnificent sea view. It was very enjoyable to walk by the seaside. Volos was damaged by floods. I’m sorry about this situation. Fortunately, they are in good condition. We visited different cities of Greece together, we got up early in the morning, came home late in the evening, and were tired when we got home. But despite everything, it was a beautiful day I had so much fun. We ate out together and made good memories. finally l have a new family and I am so happy to have meet them.
Farklı bir ülkede yaşamanın nasıl bir şey olduğunu deneyimledim ama aynı zamanda yemek ve aile hayatını da gördüm. Ülkelerimiz arasındaki benzerlikleri ve farklılıkları karşılaştırma fırsatı buldum. Güzel dostluklar kurdum, Yunanistan’ın tarihi ve turistik yerlerini gördüm, aynı zamanda Türklerin atası Atatürk’ün evini de ziyaret ettik. Bu yüzden onur ve gurur duydum. Farklı yerlerdeki kiliselere de gittik, bu benim için farklı bir deneyim oldu. Çünkü onların dini hayatları hakkında bir fikrim oldu. Güzel havayı ve muhteşem deniz manzarasını gördüm. Deniz kenarında yürümek çok keyifliydi. Volos sel nedeniyle hasar gördü. Bu durum için üzgünüm. Neyseki durumları iyi. Yunanistan’ın farklı şehirlerini birlikte gezdik, sabah erken kalktık, akşam eve geç geldik, eve vardığımızda yorgunduk. Ama herşeye rağmen güzel bir gündü Çok eğlendim. Birlikte dışarıda yemek yedik ve güzel anılar biriktirdik. Sonunda yeni bir ailem oldu ve onlarla tanıştığım
Sara Șerbănoiu, Romania
The Erasmus experience was one of the most beautiful I have ever lived. Everything was well organized, with friendly and helpful teachers and students. Despite the cultural differences between different countries, such as in culinary or educational activities, there was always harmony among participants, fostering the sharing of experiences, traditions, and information acquired every day. Host families had no trouble ensuring our comfort, guaranteeing availability regardless of the difficulties and damages suffered in the city due to floods.
Experiența Erasmus a fost una dintre cele mai frumoase pe care le-am trăit vreodată, totul a fost bine organizat, cu profesori și studenți amabili și de ajutor. În ciuda diferenței culturale dintre diferitele țări, de exemplu în domeniul culinar sau în privința activităţilor şcolare, era mereu o armonie între partecipanti favorizând împărtășirea experiențelor, a tradițiilor și a informațiilor dobândite în fiecare zi. Familiile gazdă nu au avut probleme în a ne asigura confortul necesar, garantând disponibilitate indiferent de greutăţile şi pagubele suferite în oraş în urma inundațiilor.
Luca Stoican, Romania
The activities proposed original (environmentally themed) and creative themes, such as truffle hunting with the help of a trained dog to find mushrooms. This adventure was much more than a simple search for a gastronomic treasure; it was an immersion into the world of traditions, authentic tastes, connection with nature, and all participants in the project. The excitement of discovering a fresh truffle and the intense aroma released into the air were truly memorable moments. Additionally, we had the privilege of eating truffle pasta surrounded by nature.
Activitățile au propus teme originale (bazate pe protectia mediului) și creative, precum vânătoarea de trufe cu ajutorul unei cățelușe dresate pentru a găsi ciupercile ; Această aventură a fost mult mai mult decât o simplă căutare a comorii gastronomice; a fost o incursiune în lumea tradițiilor, a gusturilor autentice, a conexiunii cu natura și cu toți participanții în proiect. Emoția de a descoperi o trufă proaspătă și aroma intensă eliberată în aer au fost momente deosebit de memorabile. De asemenea, am avut privilegiul să mâncăm în mijlocul naturii paste cu trufe.
Marius Curcea, Romania
I really enjoyed participating in an authentic Greek evening full of local dances. The experience was truly a feast for all the senses, a discovery of traditions and the close connection between dances and the surrounding natural environment. I felt part of a larger community, and dancing became a way to express joy and gratitude for the natural beauty of Greece. All students danced alongside teachers, learned many new moves, talked, collaborated, and wore traditional costumes.
Mi-a plăcut foarte mult să particip la o seară grecească autentică, plină de dansuri locale. Experiența a fost cu adevărat un festin pentru toate simțurile, o descoperire a tradițiilor și a legăturii strânse dintre dansuri și mediul natural înconjurător. M-am simțit parte a unei comunități mai largi, iar dansul a devenit o modalitate de a exprima bucuria și recunoștința pentru frumusețea naturală a Greciei. Toți elevii au dansat alături de profesori, am învățat o mulțime de mișcări noi, am vorbit, am colaborat și am purtat costume tradiționale.
Iulia Sfetcu, Romania
I loved participating in a soap-making workshop, a lesson that introduced us to the world of creativity and natural ingredients, offering a new and fascinating perspective on the process of making personal care products. The chemistry teacher provided detailed information about olive oil and other ingredients used in the soap-making process. I appreciated how she encouraged us to experiment with aromas and textures, while also offering useful tips to create personalized soap tailored to our needs.
Mi-a plăcut să particip la un atelier de realizare a săpunului, o lecție care ne-a introdus în lumea creativității și a ingredientelor naturale, oferindu-ne o perspectivă nouă și fascinantă asupra procesului de fabricare a produselor de îngrijire personală. Profesoara de chimie ne-a dat informații detaliate despre uleiul de măsline și a altor ingrediente utilizate în procesul de fabricare a săpunului. Am apreciat modul în care ne-a încurajat să experimentăm cu aromele și texturile, oferindu-ne totodată sfaturi utile pentru a crea un săpun personalizat și adaptat nevoilor noastre.